Whenever I read about our 'humdrum' sun, I think about the line from the Dawn Treader. "Even in your world, that is not what a star is, but only what it is made of." As a kid, my mind boggled when I read that. I'd been obsessed with astronomy for some time and had been ingesting a star field guide with all kinds of science in it. What is a star, then? I wondered. Years later I read Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones, and ever since then I've vaguely wondered how close she was to the truth, with the stars being angelic beings with their own politics.

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Well, biblically speaking, angels, stars, and human beings are all messengers. What makes them all special is the message they carry and proclaim. There’s that wonderful passage in Job about the morning stars all singing together; the sons of God shouting for joy.

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"I don't know, and I don't have to know"

Great line good sir. That is exactly the sort of thing I have to say to my friends when talking about the Holy Spirit and how He has worked in my life. We simply cannot comprehend the Omnipotence of God, and it's amazing. The fastest way to gain peace about all that, is to surrender it to Him.

This was beautifully written. Well done sir.

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Thanks so very much. 1 Cor. 10:31, hopefully.

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